Happy New Year! 🎆
Looking back on 2024 has been inspirational for starting the new year. It’s so humbling how the kids choose to spend their free time with us, that they trust us.
We are really looking forward to this summer break! (Christmas - early March)
Sunday ministry is our all ages group, with a focus on the younger kids. Our youth group teens have been taking a leadership role during these groups, and our plan for 2025 is to see them step up even more.
Here’s the year in snapshots!
January one of the girls stepped on a rusty nail and had to be in a cast. This didn’t stop her from coming to group! The kids carried her to the motor taxi for a couple of months while she recovered. During group we all helped her move about. She didn’t let this stop her from her absolutely favorite activity in group: Just Dance!
The month of March is a very busy month for everyone. The kids struggle getting back into school. The photo we have here is of Jon and I’s three kids on their first day of school. Sunday group ended up being canceled for most of the month due to the kids struggling to keep up with homework and getting all the supplies they needed for the new school year.
November we did a step by step painting and the younger kids were all incredibly proud of their paintings! While practicing all year, they finally saw improvement in their art and felt just as talented as the older kids. The constant encouragement and help the youth group offered them throughout the year paid off, and they got to see the younger kids become confident in their own abilities!
Want a description of each photo? It’s at the end of the blog!
Keep praying for us!
Share about our ministry with others. This is a great way to get more awareness of our ministry, and more people invested.
Considering coming down with a team, on an internship, or doing a solo mission trip! Want to learn more? Send us an email: yerty@rsdministry.com
Give! With our ministry growth, we need support to thrive.
January - Playing just dance, even with a cast.
February - The boys building a super cool robot out of Jenga blocks.
March - New school year!
April - Jewelry making day.
May - Practicing spelling and phonics.
June - Boys vs Girls puzzle challenge. The boys won!
July - Photo day!
August - Mission team visiting.
September - The girls playing with the new Barbie’s.
October - Celebrating a birthday!
November - Showing off a beautiful painting.
December - Working on a Christmas craft.